State of the Industry Corporate Report: Maximising event strategies and data

State of the Industry Corporate Report: Maximising event strategies and data

We asked corporate event professionals about the strategies they’re using to drive audience engagement – and how these are underpinned by data.

Those we surveyed were using a range of engagement strategies to connect with corporate audiences, while some were far more sophisticated than others in their use of data to inform future events.

Some talked about using behavioural science and targeted marketing platforms to address attendees, while others were building out new ELG (event-led growth) strategies to better understand and demonstrate the business value of their event programmes.

The personalisation of events remains a key trend, with many saying they were offering delegates “greater choice” and opportunities to customise their experience. These included: “allowing audiences to tailor agendas to their interests”, “providing opportunity pre-event to submit both topic suggestions and ideas on how to make the event more accessible” and “personalised events (choice of topics, workshops etc.), regular movement within the event, constant feedback rather than didactic presentations”.
